What does an Elite Leaders Coaching Experience look like?

An initial consultation is 15-30 minutes. After that 30–60-minute sessions occur from only one-time to up to six months or more. It can vary depending on the circumstance, the problem we are trying to solve or goal (s) we are working towards. The longer you work with a coach, the more time you’ll have to hone your skills and see change. 

At the beginning, I will try to understand you as a client. I will look for information about your work environment, history, and motivations. This first stage is all about building intimacy and trust between both parties. 

At Elite Leaders, we use a scoring system to evaluate your progress quantitatively. We are looking for evidence of behavior change as well as outcomes. Coaches ask questions and may get feedback from colleagues. This helps them understand a client’s capabilities and determine what strategies will be most effective. 

Throughout this journey, coaches will periodically debrief. They might tell you what they see and help you reflect on what you see and feel. This determines what goes on in subsequent coaching sessions. 

Once the coaching process nears its end, clients and their colleagues participate in a final interview to compare the beginning of the journey to the results.



The goal of the first session is to get to know you a bit better. Your coach will try to:

  • Figure out your chemistry.
    • Do you both get along? Will it be easy to build trust and rapport?
  • Discuss your goals.
    • What do you hope to accomplish with your coaching?
  • Establish confidentiality and working agreements.
    • Your consent is important, so your coach will spend time reviewing the details with you.
  • 360 assessment.
    • They’ll ask you questions about your current work and personal life. This will help them understand where you’re coming from, so you can plan the next steps. You might do this before your first session so you can discuss your results while getting to know each other.



You’ll spend the bulk of your time with your coach in this category. You’ll have regular sessions every two to three weeks, adding up to between six and twelve total sessions (on average).

During each meeting, you will:

  •  Check-in on how you’re progressing.
  •  Follow up on any assignments your coach gave you.
  •  Set goals for the current session.
  •  Receive coaching and advice. 



When you’re not with your coach, you should be putting what you learned into action. Your coach will hold you accountable at your next week.

Make sure you:

  • Try new ways of doing things.
  • Pay attention to the results.
  • Keep track of your actions, reflections, and any outcomes.
  • Stay focused on your goals. 



As your coaching engagement comes to an end, you’ll have plenty to celebrate.

Here’s what to expect from your last session. 

  • Assessing how far you’ve come.
  • Celebrating your achievements.
  • Creating a plan for your post-coach life.

